hands gripping ground, with feet flexed and pointing down to ground

The Circus Way

Beginner Handstand Course

Want to build a rock-solid foundations that will make you happy and proud of your handstand skill?


(Even if you're starting from scratch or the thought of holding your first handstand is scary)



Are you putting too much pressure on yourself trying to hold the straight handstand you desire? 

Does the thought of falling again and again give you dread or hit you with crippling fears?

Not just that…

But you’re also probably wondering about how to effectively build a solid foundation, strength, and flexibility for your handstand practice…  

All without having to worry about painful wrists and getting injured.

If any or all of the above questions resonate with you, then pay close attention to what I’m about to tell you…

Because the opportunity I’m about to give you will answer these burning questions…

And help you get rid of all that confusion, guesswork, and roadblocks.

Sounds great? Let’s GO


Now let's talk about what’s holding you back.

Your Challenges In Holding A Handstand Are Real, But So Is The Need For An Effective Program That Is Going To Give You The Roadmap To Nailing One! 

So here’s the thing,

If you talk to any handstand performers and ask them why and how they mastered handstands…

They would tell you, “I focus on following a certain program, technique, alignment, and training consistently.”

Because they know that with practice, time, and an effective training program, they can eventually become AMAZING at their skill – holding a handstand.

But unfortunately, what many beginners still struggle with is figuring out the right action-plan.

Anyone can come up with a plan for their handstand practice, but few can do it effectively…

Because it would take years filled with research, going through trial and error before they find something that works, and even then you might not.


“Trying to DIY it."

"Doing random exercises off YouTube."

"Spending Hours Searching the internet for resources.”

These are some of the things your might do to try to fix your handstand…

But in a deep blue ocean of overwhelming information out there, you quickly realize why it’s a massive waste of your time.

Because you realised not knowing where to start, or focusing on the wrong things first added years to your progress.

And as a beginner handstander, things get more difficult when the "imposter syndrome” kicks in...

"Am I strong enough? 

"Is it really possible to hold a straight handstand”

“Will I ever be able to make any progress?”

“Why can’t my handstand look as pretty as the experts.”

Sounds familiar?


What If I Told You There Is A Better Way!

With an effective program to avoid unnecessary injuries and start making progress to holding the handstand you've always wanted, no matter your size.

Learn correct techniques from the start to avoid bad habits, smash barriers, learn to balance on your hands, and build unbeatable shoulder strength.

Feeling empowered to train consistently which levels up your handstand training.

With dedication this can be a winning program that will give you the results you desire. 

Without these things, you're not going to see the results you crave, but it will make it far easier having a program to follow.

Now, I know what you're probably thinking… 

"Ellen that is too good to be true." Right? 

Well, it's not, and I'll share everything about it very soon.

But first…


Who Am I, and How do I know so much about Handstands?

My name is Ellen, and I’m a professional hand balancer in the Performing industry and reputable expert with a range of circus skills. I've been in love with gymnastics, movement and art since I was a kid, always chasing more innovative ways for exploring my creative side. 

After C!RCA Zoo’s youth program for 6 years, I decided to go all out and chase my dream of becoming a circus performer.

Look I could go on about my credentials like having a certificate in Visual Arts and Contemporary Craft and getting my Circus Arts degree from NICA where I developed a bad ass range of skills including handstands, juggling, tumbling, loop straps and group acrobatics. But that’s not what you’re here for…

What I’m here to tell you is that I’m the best person to talk to you about improving your handstands because I've been there. Starting from the basics, to learning and applying techniques and drills with high-level handstanders to test what works for the body and what doesn't. 

And whether it's teaching children or adults, I've already helped heaps of people become better at holding a handstand faster than years of trying to do it alone with no results. 

Not only have I performed at circus festivals, but I've also been able to reach and maintain incredible results with my 5+ years of experience in coaching and 10+ years of experience in training and performing.

Thanks to all this effort and training and huge love of handstands I’ve been able to create a course that I’d like to share with you.



The Circus Way 

A Comprehensive Handstand Course Designed To Help You Master The Art Of Holding A Handstand Through A Streamlined, Powerful Step-By-Step Process.

This course contains everything you need to build your shoulder strength, increase your flexibility, and find the elusive balance required to hold a handstand. 

And the good news is, it's really simple, realistic, and straightforward to follow. In fact, you can work through the course at your own pace, learn whenever you want, or even fit it into your busy schedule. Never again spend hours of your time endless searching the Internet, only to get more confused and overwhelmed.

The exercises and programs included in this course are all adjustable and customisable to help tailor to YOU.

Could it get any better than this? Yes, because that's barely scratching the surface!


Here Is Exactly What You Get When You Invest In Yourself…

1. Strengthening Exercises – Watch yourself get stronger before you even start doing handstands. You'll love these super-effective exercises so much that you'll actually enjoy making strength and flexibility gains.

2. Activation Drills – Without even getting upside down, simply follow these crazy-easy activation drills I demonstrate in the videos. From each of the drills, you'll clearly understand the body cues needed to hold a straight handstand.

3. Warm-Up Videos – I don't need to tell you how important a proper warm-up is to get the best results and to not get injured.

4. Handstand Programs – Finally, it's time to get upside down and hold a handstand. Through these handstand programs, I'll show you the drills and explain in detail how to do each one.

5. The Comprehensive, Step-By-Step Course – This course is delivered online as digital content that is based on my years of experience and includes a detailed breakdown of the entire handstand training process. Whether you're a beginner or never tried to hold a handstand before, it comes with all the important information to help you get started right away.

6. Lifetime Access You get lifetime access to all the videos, programs, and pdf lists, so you can go through them as many times as you want to keep moving towards your desired handstand goals, one upside-down movement at a time.

7. Email Support – If you face any problems during my course I’ll be accessible to assist you with the support you need.

However, This Course Is Not For Everyone. Especially If…  

  • You’ve got a fixed mindset, and aren't willing to put in the effort to work towards the handstand you want.

  • You're chasing another quick hack and believe in overnight success, without consistent focused implementation.

  • You’re looking for skim-the-surface material and are happy with stumbling from resources to resources on Internet.

  • You don't want to invest in yourself and lack a fiery passion to learn a proven process and foundation given in the course.

  • You've settled nicely with the banana back handstand shape, and are okay with not progressing your handstand skills.

But if you’re truly committed, driven, and serious about keeping yourself on the road to handstand success, then this course has everything you need to learn to get started right now! Including:

  • How to enhance your strength and body using a tried-and-tested wrist, shoulder, back, and core strength programs.

  • Develop a bullet-proof foundation that empowers you to hold a straight handstand without any confusion about what you're supposed to do and how.

  • Understand stacking and body alignment and learn the body cues to eliminate imbalances and avoid progress-killing injuries. 

  • Finally Learn how to balance on your hands to free yourself from the frustration and anger of falling again and again

  •  Ramp up your strength and flexibility, so you're able to learn how to hold a straighter handstand longer and smash your records.

  • How to conquer your fears and fall out of a handstand safely

  • Say goodbye to the constant overwhelm of being trapped in a never-ending cycle of online information and enjoy faster results than before.

Hear what other people are saying about the course

The handstand course provides very clear and easy to follow instructions and it’s really well designed in terms of what you need to know and practice to progress.

Each pdf is very easy to follow and everything is very easily implemented into your routines if you go to the gym or have a previous training schedule. I really love the way you take it through all of the drills in full so you can see how it’s all meant to work as well I feel like a lot of programs don’t show the repitions so you struggle to correct yourself when you’re tired. I made my partner do some and for someone with not a lot of body awareness and no idea what he’s doing he understood what was needed!!

It’s also generally enjoyable to participate in because everything is at your own pace and there’s no pressure or stress if you make any mistakes.

Louella. P

As a complete beginner in Handstands, I didn’t have the wrist and shoulder strength, or confidence to complete a Handstand.

Ellen’s Handstand Course gave easy to follow exercises to gain the strength that I need; and her tips have built up my confidence quickly. I found the ‘create your own’ program fantastic! It’s challenging but very achievable. I highly recommend!

Joanne. A

And Now Let’s Talk About The? Pricing…

This is truly an investment, as you’ll be investing in yourself and building the much-needed foundations for improving your handstand skills through an efficient program.

Let me ask you a simple question…

How much would you be willing to pay for a course that helps you to balance and hold a straight handstand even if you are starting from scratch?

And that’s without having to spend hour of endless searching on the internet to figure out what exercises and drills to do.

Not to mention, you get everything you need to amp up your strength, flexibility, and balance by following the action-ready programs without any of the guess work.

But here is the thing…

My mission is to not let contradictory online information sabotage the results of beginners trying to learn how to handstand.  


So that’s why, I’ve created this course to help as many people as I can.

Why wait? Simply click the button below to enroll in this course…